World-weariness is not a sin, let’s release your negative energy!

World-weariness is not a sin, let’s release your negative energy!

World-weariness is not a sin, embrace your negative energy! / Picture from pexels
World-weariness is not a sin, let go of the negative energy! / Figure:pexels

World wearinessIs life that bad? Nothing is pleasing to the eye、Feel that everything is so troublesome、I feel so tired of living! many people thinkWorld wearinessonly negative effects,But actually,canEmbrace negative energythe person,Mental state is often more powerful!

Do you always see nothing pleasing to the eye、Feel that everything is so troublesome、Feel tired of being alive? Maybe many people think that being tired of the world will only bring negative effects。however,Research indicates that,Excessive positive energy will make the pressure more and more heavier;canEmbrace negative energythe person,Mental state is often stronger。

Releasing negative energy first show moderately,World-weary lets you clarify reality

Release negative energyModerately manifest negative energy first,Not only a good way to vent stress,It can also avoid a crisis at a critical moment。

Published in 2015 by well-known psychiatrist Lin Gengxinarticlepointed out in,Excessive positive thinking will make people ignore the real dangers and dilemmas。After realizing those crises,become unable to adapt to reality,causing more depression。

like driving a vehicle,An overly optimistic person may think, "As long as I'm driving safely,,I will be able to reach my destination safely。」;World-weary people might think, "No matter how safe I drive,,It's possible to get hit by someone else。"And the reality is,Accidents always come unexpectedly。When another vehicle accidentally rams over,World wearinessof people notice danger faster than optimists,and avoid as much as possible。

Excessive optimism makes mood even lower

Two American psychologists Julie Norem and Nancy Cantor,In 1986 published a well-knownIn 1986 published a well-known。Two nouns are proposed,Strategic optimism與Defensive pessimism,That is, "strategic optimism" and "defensive pessimism"。

People with "strategic optimism" traits,Good at imagining good results,And hope to do my best to complete it;In 1986 published a well-known,In 1986 published a well-known,In 1986 published a well-known。In 1986 published a well-known,In 1986 published a well-known。In 1986 published a well-known,In 1986 published a well-known,This is due to the disappointment of expectations。

In addition,Julie Norem is also in her book (The Positive Power Of Negative Thinking) indicated in,World-weary negative energy can often turn into positive energy,Demonstrate better results at work。

Negative energy can often be turned into positive energy / Image via pexels
Negative energy can often be turned into positive energy / Figure: pexels

World-weariness is not a sin, over-optimism is more dangerous

In addition to the above-mentioned viewpoints,Numerous studies also point out that —The mental state of "must be optimistic",Easy to cause more stress。

Like the 2016 Emotional Journal (Emotion) study "Is it happier to be forced to keep positive thinking?"、Clinical trials by psychologist Sophie Lazarus of The Ohio State University Medical Center,And the "positive room" and "negative room" experiments conducted by psychologist Brock Bastian of the University of Melbourne, Australia,The results show invariably"Overly positive people are more stressed than negative people"

In addition,The illustrator "Negative Man", known as "Osamu Dazai in the graphic world", also said:"Positive energy is not enough,Know how to express emotions,People who embrace negative energy are the most powerful! "So stop saying world-weary is bad! accept your negative energy,The most important thing is to face the situation bravely。

People who embrace negative energy are the most powerful / Image via pexels
People who embrace negative energy are the most powerful / Figure:pexels

Courage to accept your emotions

It's not shameful to be miserable,Optimism is also important,Extreme emotions are unhealthy。

If you have extreme emotions,Either overly optimistic or overly pessimistic,Don't be afraid to ask for help。existWork stress is like a boulder? Three steps to crush stress!There are also some help pipelines mentioned,Like Mr. Zhang’s special line 1980、Lifeline 1995 or the Department of Health Safe Line 0800-788-995,or spiritual exploration、Emotion regulation and other courses can help you。

Although the above appeals to everyone not to treat misanthropy as a crime、Don't be overly optimistic,But not against positive thinking。Any emotion is normal,embrace your emotions,It is the right choice to seek channels to relieve your stress。

Further reading:

How to make yourself happy? Scientifically proven 5 ways to be happy
