Is interpersonal communication difficult? Top 5 Speaking Skills,Can "persuade" subordinates without relying on authority
5great speaking skills,Can "persuade" subordinates without relying on authority

In the workplace,Speaking skills are a university question,Especially for insurance executives who value teamwork,Learning good speaking skills is an important ability to lead an organization forward。when the position is higher,Leading a larger team,The age distribution of the organization is also wider。Facing the new force of the younger generation,Cognitive gap that often encounters generational gaps,A sentence may cause "the speaker has no intention,listener's intention",wrong response,Often cause misunderstandings with subordinates。

Facing an increasingly younger workplace environment,Supervisors can no longer rely solely on traditional leadership,use position、Authorities suppress "children"。If you want your subordinates to be willing、Convinced to work hard for the team,Good speaking skills are very important。

speaking skills one:Embracing ideas from different generations

Speaking Skills - Respect for Different Ideas
respect for different ideas / Figure:123RF

Want to build a good relationship with subordinates of different ages,you have to understand what they're thinking。people in different times、growing up in different backgrounds,Inevitably there will be cognitive gaps。An elder who grew up during the period of martial law,and a young man who grew up in an era of social prosperity,The information and culture shock the duo received,must be very different。

90young people after,thinking unique、idea innovation,their understanding of different cultures and values,always be open minded,take risks、dare to break the rules,These are the common characteristics of young people nowadays。

therefore,Supervisors need to think from the perspective of empathy,to accept unaccustomed thoughts or actions,After understanding their thinking,Support according to different situations,make them feel respected,In order to better integrate into the team。

speaking skills two:listen、listen、listen again

Speaking Skills - Learning to Listen
Be patient and listen to what others think / Figure:123RF

a failed communication,one-way communication,only out but not in,just say what you want、listen to what you want to hear,Without really opening a bridge of communication with the other party。therefore,When the supervisor assists in problem solving,be a good listener first,Give space for subordinates to express their ideas,find out the problem,in order to prescribe the right medicine。

When subordinates have ideas different from their own,don't rush to deny,calm down and sit down to discuss,When a team thinks differently,Appropriate conflict and debate can spark a different spark,is an effective means of communication。If you use your authority to force your subordinates to follow your own suggestions,May cause unwanted backlash,disrupt the harmony of the organization。

Speaking Skill Three:important thing to repeat

Speech skills - repeating important messages
repeat、Really convey the important message / Figure:123RF

"Because it's important,so say it three times。"This sentence has become a favorite sentence used by many people nowadays,It does make sense。when people communicate,Often due to differences in cognition or standpoint,are not on the same channel as each other,prone to miscommunication or misunderstanding。

In order to ensure that the subordinates correctly receive the instructions you want to express,When the supervisor communicates,You can observe the changes in the expressions of your subordinates,and create opportunities,ask the other person to restate what you mean。E.g,After an hour-long meeting,use the last ten minutes,Let me condense the key points of the long speech just now and say it again,And confirm to the subordinate again:"So you understand?" If you get an affirmative answer,,Ask the other person to explain it again in their own words。Make sure subordinates listen to key points,It's not that you'll be fine after you finish talking,This is the effective way to communicate。 

Speaking Skill Four:Choose words and tone of communication carefully

Speaking skills - maintain a good attitude
Bad tone and wording can ruin communication / Figure:123RF

Sometimes when the supervisor is instructing his subordinates,Use a harsh or sharp tone of voice,Exhibit strong authority。This style of using power to force subordinates,Often distanced from subordinates。Subordinates scolded for not making mistakes,Comparing to the law-abiding way of doing things in accordance with the supervisor's method,On the contrary, it obliterates the agitation of different ideas,It also affects the morale of the work team。

therefore,When communicating with subordinates,Try to lead the team in an encouraging and motivating way,Avoid oppressive and hard-line attitudes,Make the communication process smoother,Improve overall team productivity。

Speaking Skill Five:Make good use of CTA in conversation

Speaking skills - try to use a short CTA after communication to let others have a direction to follow
After communication, try to use a short CTA to let others have a direction to follow / Figure:123RF

When communicating with subordinates,Need to think about how to,Guide subordinates to execute in the direction you want,in other words,Make good use of "call to action" (CTA) in the dialogue,Call-to-Action)。If there is no CTA in the dialogue,Then your communication is just to convey the message。

In order to let subordinates understand better the execution direction you want,Give some practical examples and illustrate,Let your subordinates understand your thinking through the case,better grasp the direction。be as clear as possible、clear,Avoid using generic terms,for example:"This customer can communicate more deeply",How to "deep" method,this has to be explained,Otherwise, the subordinates will just be confused。 

Someone said, "It's easy to do,it's hard to be a human,Interpersonal relationship is a delicate matter,How to communicate with subordinates、How to lead the team forward,These are the tests you have to face as a supervisor。however,What should I do if I encounter a bottleneck? don’t worry,These abilities can be developed and trained through educational courses,Guided by professional teachers,You can also identify your own blind spots,Break through。

Reference source:

3communication skills,Be a good supervisor who makes subordinates more convincing
Downward Management Communication Skills How to Establish Good Relationship with Subordinates
5 Communication Skills Every Manager Should Master
A good supervisor is not afraid of his subordinates making mistakes! 5 convincing "downward communication" skills
10 Communication Skills for Surviving in the Workplace
