How to overcome social phobia? 3 big minds to regain action,The first step is to know yourself

How to overcome social phobia? 3 big minds to regain action,The first step is to know yourself

Social phobia

Social phobia,Is a symptom that many people have,Have you ever had a lot of things to do,Why can't I be motivated? Finally vacation,Just want to stay at home,Lying on the sofa and watching TV,No vitality in the whole body? Eager to try at first,But didn't want to do it later,In the end, nothing was done? Knowing yourself is the key,How do you know yourself,Can you help yourself be more motivated? The following share 3 major actions,Recommended for those who desire effective self-change。

The first step in overcoming social phobia:Know yourself,What is my demon?

Social phobia
There are many problems in our hearts that we have not noticed / Figure:123RF

Know yourself,Seems very abstract,A more colloquial statement,It’s "Analysis of self-problem"。

Whether you want to lose weight、Learn language、Practice a certain skill,Want to make yourself better,These changes are not simple,The key to self-change is to know yourself,Instead of challenging willpower。Want to change yourself,The first step must be to analyze the self problem,That is to find out the reasons for past failures,To clarify why it became like this,Under what circumstances is it caused by my inability to persist?

The first step is difficult,But it is critical! because,Know yourself,Must be able to admit their weaknesses,And dig into the reasons for my repeated failures,Otherwise, we will always work in the wrong place。in"Why do we live like this,Work like that?"The theory of "habitual loop" is proposed in the book,The author expressed his desire to break the old habits,Automatic navigation mechanism to develop new habits,The key to knowing yourself lies in self-awareness。

Habits cannot be changed,Can replace,The first step is to know yourself,Find out the inner automatic navigation mechanism。E.g:A person who wants to lose weight,Can't get rid of the habit of eating snacks at work,Only know yourself and explore the core issues,才會發現自己戒不掉零食的原因可能是因為想逃避工作壓力等等掌握核心問題之後這才對症下藥付諸行動力,Alternative behaviors can find someone to chat or chew gum to relieve stress,The ability to act in response to the problem can effectively change itself。therefore,Knowing yourself is an important exercise。

The second step to overcome social phobia:Setting goal,我真心想要什麼?

Social phobia
在庸庸碌碌的生活中容易忘記真正的目標 / Figure:123RF

光是承認自己的弱點還不夠,You must also seriously think about "what do you want?",E.g:我到底渴望什麼?我想成為怎麼樣的人?我到底想完成什麼事情?未來想要什麼樣的生活?想在別人面前呈現一個怎樣的自己?

Setting goals is super critical! It's like you want to go somewhere today,If you don't have a goal,Even how to get there? Where to go? How much time does it take? These have no clue,Not to mention what kind of action it will have。

If you don’t figure out what you really want,No matter how hard you work, it's wasted,May even let yourself go against the goal,In the end, I got farther and farther away from what I wanted。You will find,Many people didn’t plan to play for real,for example,Many people call for weight loss all day,But the mouth still keeps eating。therefore,If you want to make the change happen,I have to set a goal for myself。

Here comes the key! Set this goal,Must be visible to you,Once I feel a little challenged,你必須要脫離現在的舒適圈才能去達成但這個目標又不會讓你完全做不到因為設定合適的目標才會讓你相信自己其實是可以完成的如果一開始太貪心設定的目標太大了大到讓你的心裡沒辦法相信那麼設定這個目標對你而言是沒有意義的設定目標是為了給自己一個付諸行動力的方向

唯有設定了目標之後每天早上起來才會知道自己到底要完成什麼?有哪些事情自己應該要去做?雖然這個目標現在離自己還有點遠但是沒關係它確實是可以完成的唯有「真心相信」自己可以做的到,So I won't give up all at once。

The third step to overcome social phobia:Assess the status,What am I willing to sacrifice?

Social phobia
If you want to get it, you must give it away / Figure:123RF

After the first step is to find the core problem,Also set suitable goals,Know where I am going,Next, you have to know how many resources you currently have,評估自己預備怎麼達到這個目標?畢竟一廂情願地為自己訂目標是空泛的因為很有可能自己根本沒有達成那目標的條件

after all,跑馬拉松是目的一個有在跑步的人跟一個沒有運動習慣的人賽前擬定的運動計畫就會截然不同。therefore,弄清楚自己到底欠缺什麼至關重要

First:Where do you know your strength?

second:Know the distance between yourself and your goal?

like this,Only then can I exchange the resources I have for the goals I desire,E.g:Use sweat and time to exchange figures;Exchange language skills with effort and money,After all, no one can ask for everything,By evaluating objective conditions and understanding the current situation,Implement the three major actions,Get the life you really want to have。

See here,Are you eager to regain your mobility? At last,Might as well write down two things:1Write down one thing I want to achieve,A goal that has never been achieved。2What does this goal mean to you? What are the benefits after reaching it? In this way,Distance dream,One step closer。
