13 kinds of body action language to see through each other,Good interpersonal、A must-read for performance transactions!

13 kinds of body action language to see through each other,Good interpersonal、A must-read for performance transactions!

13body language summary,Good interpersonal、Must-read for performance transactions
13body action language,Good interpersonal、Must-read for performance transactions

Maybe you've heard that in human-to-human communication,93%Emotions are revealed in facial expressions, body movements and body language,But if you want to focus on the subtleBody Movements and Limbslanguage to make on-the-spot judgments,Will require a lot of practice and practical experience,Only when you internalize body language information into your own feelings,Only then can we truly exert the miraculous effect of reading minds like "cold reading"。This article has prepared for readers the body language summarized by various factions,and divide it into "Positive body movements and body language"as well as"Negative body movements and body language」,to provide your practice material and knowledge base,You may wish to practice with the information compiled below!

One、Positive body movements and body language:

positive body language

1.end an ongoing action,Turn your body to face you:
means he's willing to give you time,and listen to what you want to say,take good care of,it's giving a chance、body language ready to start。

2.upper body leaning forward:
If the opponent leans forward,Or slide the chair slightly closer to you,Indicates that he is interested in what he has to say to you,want to listen。

3.Look straight into your eyes naturally:
interested in you,willing to listen to you,Take the opportunity to explain things。

4.Eye movement to the dominant side:
There is a higher chance of recalling facts,rather than constructing a lie。

5.when the other person laughs,The eyes also show the arc of a smile
If you look at the other person from above the nose,You can also see each other smiling,Usually indicates that the other person is more relaxed,less defensive about you。through the muscles around the eyes,Can determine whether the other party is”real”Smile。

6.rub hands quickly
If the other party is rubbing their hands,Usually means that the other party has something to do,Or want to start the next move,I have made my next decision in my heart,want to expand quickly。

two、Negative body movements and body language:

1.cross chest、legs crossed
When the limbs are crossed,Usually means more cautious,or disapproval。

2.break eye contact
express a little nervousness,or to start thinking about something。

3.Eye movement to the non-dominant side:
Has a higher chance of conceiving a lie,Be prepared to say untruths。

4.Frequent meaningless actions (touching bags)、Take an empty glass、rhythm with your fingers)
Representative may have lost patience,or bored with your current topic。

5.rub the neck、lip biting、touch ears
Indicates that some are in a more tense situation、uncomfortable state。

6.sideways,body facing you
Show that you don't care,is one of the actions to lose interest。

Don't judge by a single body language!

When we use body language to observe each other's state,Remember not to judge someone is interested or uninterested just by "single" body language! but over a period of time,opponent's reaction、manner、Judgment based on body language,Body language to put it bluntly just gives us one more basis for judgment,Don't jump to conclusions based on a single body language,You may have accidentally missed a business or a good relationship!

Acquiring recognition skills:imitate each other

In addition, I can secretly provide you with a little trick here.,when communicating with others,Try to imitate the other person's body language,When the other person picked up the water bottle and took a sip of water,We can also pick up the cup and take a sip of coffee,When the other party readjusts the chair,We can also adjust our chairs accordingly.,without being found to be intentional,When two people reach a kind of synchronization,We will subconsciously think that the other party is on the same frequency as me、on the same front,think that the other party has a special affinity,I can't say I have some good feelings。

This is a very useful little trick,In fact, the point is not to completely imitate each other's body language,Instead, it achieves a "synchronized state" with the other party.,There are even schools of thought that make you try to synchronize with his breath,In fact, it's all about the pursuit of status,Instead of imitating the other's movements like a mirror。

Use body language as your second judgment tool

When we successfully communicate and internalize such observation,Able to perceive the atmosphere of the moment naturally,Increase your mastery of communication,After all, language is the product that comes out of the mouth after thinking through the brain,Judging communication situations entirely through language,It is very easy to have errors。After adding body language judgment tool,Can effectively reduce the margin of error,Helps you communicate more smoothly with your partner,Let you both in interpersonal communication,or business negotiation,All have a higher win rate!

Further reading:

5A way to become a super salesman,Bonuses grow with your business power curve
Cultivate 5 kinds of business observation,Promotion to super business is hidden in these details
Why can't 90% of sales skills be learned? Check yourself with six questions!
