5 Questions to Ask Before Opening a Restaurant,Otherwise, be careful to open the store and "close the store"!
5 Questions to Ask Before Opening a Restaurant

Taiwan's catering industry is very developed,walking in the streets,You can see all kinds of restaurants and hawkers,Many people also regard "opening their own restaurant" as their life aspiration。but,Have ideals but no plans,Even if you open a restaurant,It may end in failure。

want to open a restaurant,You need to think about these 5 questions first,Clarify whether your ideals are in line with reality,to reduce the risk of failure。

Questions to think about before opening a restaurant:Where should I choose?

Location is the key to the success of a restaurant / Figure:123RF

The most important first step in running a restaurant,is to decide the location of the restaurant。because of limited budget,We want to take a multi-faceted perspective,Weigh the advantages and limitations of location for restaurants。

when selecting a location,In addition to considering legal hygiene、Fire and other related regulations、Be good at "observation",See if there are other caterers nearby,Is their store similar to yours? How is the operation? Which age groups or occupations are the main consumer groups?

besides,The area near the store is also the focus of observation:The storefront is near a residential area、Industrial estate or office building? What time is the peak time when the most people will come out to eat? What is the average amount spent? Observe carefully,you will find a lot of valuable information。

Question 2 to think about before opening a restaurant:What are the costs?

To open a restaurant, you need to learn cost control
Cost control is the homework that every enterprise must do / Figure:123RF

some people open restaurants,It is purely to satisfy the sense of accomplishment of "I have a restaurant"。But running a restaurant isn't pretending to be a restaurant,from storefront、Personnel to operation,Each link requires a lot of time and operating costs。think carefully,To be mentally and financially prepared,Not to be overwhelmed by the huge pressure。

Running a restaurant costs a lot,But it can be roughly divided into "ingredients"、"personnel"、"Shop rent + decoration"、There are 5 categories of "Marketing" and "Miscellaneous Branches"。in,Miscellaneous expenses including water, electricity and fuel、tax、Miscellaneous expenses such as interest and equipment maintenance fees。

After composing the ideal restaurant picture in your mind,,You can think according to the above 5 major items,After assessing the size and location of the restaurant,Start estimating your monthly operating expenses。If the operating costs are substantially beyond the level that you can afford,May have to revise operating plan to reduce costs。

Question 3 to think about before opening a restaurant:Running a Restaurant - What do I want to sell? Is there a market for this?

Draw a blueprint of the restaurant in your head,Start thinking about the products you sell。When deciding on a product,except the food is delicious、how to set the price,Also consider food purchases、The cost of obtaining and cooking。In addition,Let the data speak for itself through market research,Find out if the product satisfies the tastes of most people、How much is the public willing to pay for the product?,Ensure that the product can occupy a certain market after it is launched。

Remember,Do your research before deciding on a meal,don't follow suit,Sell ​​what you hear is popular,In case the sales of the meal are not as expected,wasted a lot of time and cost。

Question 4 to think about before opening a restaurant:Who is my target TA?

Select your own customer base before opening a restaurant
Selecting one's own customer base can help restaurants operate / Figure:123RF

Taiwan has a population of 23 million,Everyone has different tastes and preferences,want to satisfy all,only "know everything",everything loose,Absolutely no restaurant can satisfy everyone。

therefore,before opening the restaurant,We need to segment the market,by age、Profession、preferences, etc. divide the public into different groups,To further find the TA (Target Audience,target group)。After setting the target TA,We can further according to TA's needs,Design a publicity and business strategy that suits them,and optimize meals and services,better cater to their preferences。

Question 5 to think about before opening a restaurant:What marketing plans are there?

 Want to keep the restaurant in business for a long time,except good product,A long-term marketing plan is also required,Create exposure and popularity for the restaurant。In addition to product discounts and promotions, the marketing plan,And don't forget the high impact of internet marketing。

The following classifies the common network marketing schemes,Everyone can according to their own marketing budget、Operational Conditions and Manpower,Choose the plan that suits you best。As long as long-term stable operation,I believe it can bring certain benefits to the restaurant:

1、Restaurant information registration:Google Map restaurant address registration
2、 digital advertising:FB、LINE、Google Network、Keyword Ads, etc.
3、 community management:FB fan special、LINE community、IG management、Blog etc.
4、 word of mouth marketing:KOLs (such as bloggers、Youtuber, etc.)、Cooperate with major gourmet websites

The above 5 major problems,I hope to help you understand the preparation and planning needed to run a restaurant,don't go wrong,make the operation more smooth。

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