As a business operator,Do you understand the disruptive innovation of the competitive model?

recent years"Disruptive innovation」The discussion gradually heated up again,However, the scope of the case is mostly based on products and services,And today I want to show everyone about disruptive innovations in different aspects,exist"Thinking about Profit"In a book,The author proposes the term "competition rule disruptor",Used to describe a competitor who brings new competition rules into an existing industry,And how can such disruptors create business opportunities?

What is a "competition rule disruptor"?

To doDisruptive innovation,first of all,The author is based on the two major aspects of "whether to provide new products or services" and "whether to introduce new profit models",Categorize four types of competition rule disruptors,Respectively are:Reform process、Market creation、Disrupting the order and creating business models,The following will explain the four types of competition rule disruptors and representative case sharing。

One、Reform process:

existDisruptive innovationinside,Reform process means not changing existing products or services,There is no competition rule disruptor who introduces a new profit model,This type provides new value to customers only by modifying the company’s procedures。

The rise of online bookstores/pictures:123RF
The rise of online bookstores / Figure:123RF

for example,The rise of online bookstores is a disruptor that only reforms procedures,Maintain the original sales service and profit model of the bookstore,Through the change of the "purchase process" to bring consumers new choices in buying books,Also create new value for this industry。

two、Market creation:

Refers to the provision of new products or services under the original profit model,Open up new possibilities for the original market,For companies in existing markets,Creating market-oriented competitors may not pose a threat in the early stage,But if the existing market is facing the dilemma of being replaced by a new market,Will become a thorn in the eyes of these companies。

Uber Trend/Picture:123RF
Uber wave / Figure:123RF

ControversialUberAs an example,In the current profit model of the taxi industry,UberExtend new service methods,Before the popular use of Taiwanese,ReboundUberThe volume of voice is actually not high,But when companies in existing markets gradually feel that competition in new markets is approaching,UberHas become the thorn in the eyes of all the taxi industry。


This type of disruptor is the most terrifying competitor for companies in existing markets,Because this type of disruptor will provide the same products or services as everyone else in the existing market,But with a completely different profit model,It’s a happy thing for consumers,But it’s a market disaster for competitors。

Mobile game
The birth of mobile games / Figure:123RF

Take the mobile gaming industry as an example,There should be many people who don't understand how profitable mobile game manufacturers do? Compared with the past Nintendo,Mobile game makers cannot rely on the sale of dedicated game consoles to profit,However, because of the advantage of “free use”, consumers can’t resist using it.,And their main source of profit is actually from the annoying ads in the game,Whenever an ad appears on the game screen,Mobile game manufacturers can profit from advertising money;And game items purchased by a very small number of people,Because there is almost no manufacturing cost to execute transactions on the Internet,Therefore, even if only a small number of people buy it, it is enough to make mobile game manufacturers profitable.。

four、Create business models:

At last,This type of disruptor is to create a new type of profit model,And provide completely new products or services,It is happy for consumers and businesses in existing markets,But the threshold is relatively high。

byNestle's capsule coffee machineAs an example,Break the framework of past coffee machine products,Created a brand new product called "capsule coffee",The uniqueness of the product extends the need to purchase additional capsules,Achieved a new profit model for Nestlé,Not only bring new products and experiences to consumers,It also provides a new direction for the existing market。

Nescafe capsule coffee
Capsule Coffee/Picture:123RF

Disruptive innovationThe theory of is actually proposed as early as 1997 from the work of Harvard University professor Clayton Christensen,But nowadays that is changing with each passing day, it is often mentioned again,So you as the operator,Next time, consider the existing problems or dilemmas on the basis of disruptive innovation,Maybe it can help you solve the problem,Even find bigger business opportunities。

Further reading:

How to create a happy company,Can it meet the needs of both labor and management at the same time?
As an operator,Are flexible working hours pros or cons?
OKR management is in power,Are you still relying solely on KPIs as the only management basis?
