Effective communication skills do not equal persuasion! How to expand your network,First understand these three psychological cognitions

Effective communication skills do not equal persuasion! How to expand your network,First understand these three psychological cognitions

effective communication skills,interpersonal relationship,workplace relations,Lingye International Education College

the work of many,need to work with people,even need to manage contacts,Among them effective communication skills and sales skills,It is the ability that many people want to practice。but,To successfully manage a network,Communication skills and sales skills are only a small part,These three psychological cognitions cannot be ignored when managing contacts,To be successful in the workplace!

Before talking about mental cognition,There are two myths about communication skills that need to be cleared up first:

Communication Skills Myth 1:Consensus comes from persuasion

effective communication skills,interpersonal relationship,workplace relations,Lingye International Education College
Use empathy to be convincing / Figure:123RF

please remember! Nobody likes to be persuaded。

Many people try to win the other's approval,keep throwing out your own ideas,refute the arguments of others,This will give an aggressive attitude,This kind of communication is not about seeking consensus,Instead, it's like forcing others to accept your opinion。

and so,EffectiveCommunication skills are not about persuading,Instead, make the other person feel that "you are on the same side as him/her",Naturally lead the other person to accept and understand your point of view,Even if there are differences of opinion,Find intersections with each other in the process,This is the essence of effective communication skills。

Communication Skills Myth 2:Cooperation comes from inducement

effective communication skills,interpersonal relationship,workplace relations,Lingye International Education College
Communication and cooperation must create value for each other / Figure:123RF

lure,correct! after all,If it doesn't benefit others,Why should the other party cooperate with you?

But in the process of managing contacts,Only talk about benefits and benefits,The other person will only leave you for the "greater good",Winning customers with low price discounts,Even the opportunity to cooperate is short-lived。therefore,Apart from standing on the other side,In addition to giving the other party material inducements,Is there any way to give him a spiritual lure?。for example,Stress your credit、Service and enthusiasm;Will take into account the needs of the other party、opinions, feelings, etc.。

in the process of managing contacts,We often live where we think we are,In fact, there is no real interaction with the people in front of you.。a good communication skill,is to guide each other to cooperate,Then each gets his own,That's the real purpose of running a network! to win cooperation,not only inducements,To think about the value you can give to each other?

effective communication skills,interpersonal relationship,workplace relations,Lingye International Education College
Master the skills to persuade each other / Figure:123RF

Let's talk about sales skills,Three Psychological Cognitions You Must Know

The first selling technique is "Let the other party have it first"

usually,people will take what belongs to them,subjectively feel that it is more valuable,called "endowment effect」,Practical application of this piece,Like a free trial or satisfaction guarantee, etc.,Make it easier for customers to take items home,So in the process of trying to get the other party's consensus,Lower the threshold for the other party to try,It will be more influential than direct persuasion!

The second selling technique is "Let the other party invest first"

People have a very special mentality,Once put in,I'm more reluctant to give up at this time.,common in investment,Because the human mind always anticipates the unseen benefits first,Ignore the loss now,In practical application of this,The key to getting the other party to invest first,It is an incentive to give the other party a long-term commitment! For example, in sales,It's cheaper to buy one year at a time,Buy more servings at a time,Compare deals, etc.。

The third selling technique is "Let the other side decide first"

Sometimes we often have a wrong idea,I feel like I just need to give the other person more information,The more options the better。but,actually not。The inner workings of human beings are very special,No one wants to be stupid。So in choosing,common phenomenon,for what you choose,subjective preference,It's easy to overlook other possible options。So this time,Give the other person an easy option,Easier to get cooperation。

Did you find,These three kinds of psychological cognition all start with "let each other",in the process of managing contacts,As long as you realize that the other person cares,Let go of the myths such as "consensus is to persuade" and "cooperation is to induce",The days of winning orders are not far away。

Reference source:

Three psychological cognitions that make the other party willing to cooperate | Qidian Culture
