Face your own 5 great ways to find positive energy to solve your anxiety!

Face your own 5 great ways to find positive energy to solve your anxiety!

Face yourself

There are many negative emotions in life,Can't face myself,People usually don't like them to appear,Once the negative emotions are discovered, they start to be "funny",Can't even face myself,Will make the whole body resist,Avoid it。in fact,Negative emotions are not necessarily bad,Dare to face yourself,No need to escape or forbear,Learn to live with them in peace,Convert it into positive energy。

Just make good use of the following 5 methods,You can effectively control your emotions:

One、Facing one's anger into positive force,

When people accumulate all kinds of stress and have nowhere to vent,Easily lead to emotional explosions,And anger is the most common emotional manifestation。Anger is a high-energy emotion,It can provide people with great power,If you use this power in a positive place,Will become a driving force,Help people take action、Break through。When anger comes to the door,Don't rush to suppress it,Face one's own mood,Let it turn into strength,Motivate yourself to break through the current situation。

two、Face yourself,Think differently to reduce jealousy

Face yourself
Avoid disturbing yourself with jealous emotions-face yourself / Figure:123RF

Jealousy and envy,There is often only a thin line,Envy is apart from envy others,There are also emotions of comparison and dissatisfaction。Jealous people often say:"Why is his salary higher than me?" "Why is he promoted?" Knowing that he is inferior to him,But not allowed to be inferior to him。

To transform jealousy,But try to look at things from different angles。For example, the appearance of a colleague’s promotion,It’s actually the accumulation of countless hard work,Others devote more time and effort than themselves,To have today's achievement。Learn to observe the strengths of competitors,At the same time, I also check my own shortcomings,Such thinking can reduce jealousy,Even turn it into a self-motivating force,Because I don't want to lose,So we have to work harder to surpass our opponents。

three、Face yourself,Analyze the causes of anxiety

Anxiety mostly comes from fear and powerlessness facing the unknown,Encountered this situation is,Can be read from a lot、Start collecting information,After I have enough information in my head,Can slow down anxiety。In addition,Accept the anxiety that has been generated,Take a deep breath,Ask yourself what you are anxious about,List the reasons one by one,Make the content of anxiety more "concrete",And ask others to help,Analyze the causes of anxiety。Facing、accept、In the process of solving or putting down,Will find many times,Anxiety comes from my own "imagination"。

four、Two methods,Regret don't come again

Face yourself
Use actions to avoid situations of regret-face yourself / Figure:123RF

When people regret,There are often "I knew this,At the beginning I..." the thought appeared,Unable to face the decision he made,But this "I knew it",This is not done right now! In order to avoid regret looking for you,It is recommended to make a list when making a decision,Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of doing and not doing on the list,Start a conversation with yourself,To think:"What will happen if I do this? What if I don't do it? What risks can I take? What is the most unbearable one?",Helps to explore the self more deeply,Find the voice that I desire most。

In addition,Mood expert Zhou Zhenyu mentioned,To resolve regret,You can use the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle check method to adjust the feeling of regret。This step in Check is very important,Find out where I am wrong、Where is the crux?,Things can change。

■Plan:Establish a clear goal,And formulate relevant plans and determine the necessary procedures。

■Do (execute):Carry out the plan and procedures specified in the previous step,Collect the necessary information to provide the basis for the next correction and improvement。

■Check:Study the information collected in the previous step,Compare with the expected design,And propose a modification plan。

■Act (action):Finding ways to reduce the gap between plan goals and results in the process of execution,And make the next plan more perfect。

Fives、Face yourself,Setbacks make people take it to the next level

Face yourself
Facing yourself-frustration is just the process,After that we will grow / Figure:123RF

When work is not going well,People often feel frustrated,You can review your plan at this time,See which link went wrong,And find the reason。For example, when I feel incapable of task A,You can read a lot or ask seniors,To improve your abilities and skills,Turn frustration into motivation,Take yourself to the next level。

It's uncomfortable when negative emotions come,But "water can carry a boat and it can overturn it",It depends on how you think、Find your own way to live with them,Don't reject or be controlled by them,These emotions can also become a catalyst for growth。

Reference source:

Turn negative emotions into positive energy
Deal with 3 negative emotions,Turn into positive career energy
