工作壓力大到讓你的生活亂了腳步?面臨主管的打壓、competition among colleagues,You who work hard to live a responsible life,Behind the scenes is a mortgage that cannot be paid off.、tax,無力、無助壓得你喘不過氣。
工作壓力大想死? 必須先認識壓力
不停忍耐加上無法釋放,Cause more and more stress。however,When the pressure is not properly relieved,Only a vicious circle,Infinitely expand the pressure。Disturbance in the workplace,You must know that if you are out of society。Suspicion among colleagues、Supervisor's distrust、A pile of unfinished work…,Want to change but don't know what to do。Obviously I work very hard,But someone is pulling his hind legs behind his back,But because of maintaining the friendship between colleagues,你總是擔任包容體諒的角色。但你是否想過,在包容他人的同時,有多少的怨氣、怒氣、無奈吞進了你的肚子裡?一點一滴的使你壓力越來越大,進而工作壓力大想死。
It’s not uncommon to hear about cases of death due to work pressure,News about health problems caused by overwork is not uncommon.。How to effectively relieve stress? The writer John Miller mentioned in his book,"You can't change others,Only oneself can change。"When all the unpleasantness comes one after another,Can only change self,Adjust mentality、調整工作步伐才是解決壓力的關鍵。
喘口氣吧! 釋放工作壓力三大招
不只是事務執行的時間安排,放鬆時間的安排也是必要的。將自分內的事務一條一條列下,按照輕重緩急去排序,再一樣樣解決。時時注意自己是否有所延誤,Also remember not to delay。Once the first item is delayed,Subsequent tasks will also fall short of the estimated completion time,Make work more and more stressful。As for the time after get off work,Or a holiday to breathe,Arrange a period of relaxation、Worry-free itinerary! Whether watching TV at home、listen to music、daze,Or outing with family,Are good choices。
Maybe someone would think,特地安排放鬆是在浪費時間。however,根據美國加利福尼亞大學的研究,間歇性的壓力使大腦細胞活化,雖能有效加強記憶;但持續的壓力,會使大腦抑制新細胞的發展,進而導致效率降低,所以適時的放鬆是相當重要的。此外不妨也將短暫的放鬆放入工作清單中,Give yourself time to activate brain cells when you’re busy,工作效率才能有所提升!
轉換工作模式、Positive reply to yourself is the beginning of progress。
Try different working modes,You can also ask other people’s suggestions,Make your work ability more and more improved。however,Not everything can end perfectly on the premise of taking care of yourself。Like meeting the supervisor、同事處處刁難你的情況。這時,只要改變心態,用正面詞句回覆自己,問題就會迎刃而解。例如「這是個磨練的好機會」,又或者「他只是在嫉妒我,我要更努力往上游,讓他啞口無言」,那心情就會平復許多,工作壓力也會隨之減緩,甚至還能讓工作能力逐漸上升。
In addition,Adam Grant, a professor at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, once did an experiment,The content of the experiment is,Just remind employees of the meaning and importance of work,They will be more motivated,And become more productive。So reminding yourself of the meaning and importance of work is also one of the ways to relieve stress。
Don't hold on yourself,有人可以協助你!
當發現壓力已經大到令你不舒服時,Don't be afraid to ask for help。Everyone has stress,That's not abnormal,It can even be said to be a very common phenomenon。People who collapse due to stress are not less resistant to stress,But more proficient than others。If the above methods can't help you,Then it's time to hand over to the professional。Like Mr. Zhang’s special line 1980、Lifeline 1995 or the Department of Health Safe Line 0800-788-995,There are professional consultants to relieve your worries and boredom。Among those who have participated in the consultation,There are also more than 80% that professional consultation effectively solves the pressure。
If you think the pressure is still under control,But I still feel depressed from time to time,May wish to participate in some spiritual exploration related courses or courses to regulate emotional stress,Professional teachers can also be tailored for you,Give effective assistance。must remember,Stress is not a disease,But the pressure is life-threatening。Don't ignore the pressure,Self-communication、Seek relatives and friends or professional advice,Don't always stand alone,那是不健康的!
用對方法 從壓力中解脫
世界衛生組織(WHO)this year(2019)Conduct stress index surveys for various countries,data shows that,台灣位居壓力指數排行第二名,並有96%的人經常感受到壓力。可見在台灣,壓力是個多麼普遍的現象,甚至是變成了習慣而漸漸無視了他。
壓力,遠比我們想像的複雜許多。不僅牽扯著人體系統,還關係到心理學的議題。花點時間了解自己的壓力,才有機會和它 say goodbye。適當的安排休閒時間、檢視自己的做事方法與心態,以及尋求他人協助,這些都能讓你在壓力的火海中重生。