Recruiting talents to find "practical and fresh people" more part-time jobs ≠ slash youth!
Recruit talent

The supervisor is looking at the resumes of social freshmen,When recruiting talents,I will definitely see what part-time experience or expertise this person has,Although these indicators have certain reference value,To recruit talents but not completely reliable。Is it,More part-time experience or good communication skills,Can it represent that he is a talent? Supervisors,wake up,Not so!

Fresh graduate,I'm often eager to find a job that meets my expectations,Therefore, they all use the "18 martial arts" to highlight their life experience and value,But think calmly,But when recruiting talents,Fresh graduate,Deducted meals in the past four years、Time to sleep and read,How much energy can you do as many part-time jobs? How does he act as the master of his time,Come to spend the four years of university?

Why is it important to reflect on these issues? Let’s start with a very popular vocabulary-slash youth。

Recruit talent
Recruiting talents-self with multiple identities

Recruit talent,He has 10 identities,Is it "Slash Youth"? Still "find yourself"?

Last year (2017) started,"Slash youth" has become a very popular vocabulary,"Slash" (/,Slash) concept,It is "New York Times" columnist Marcy. Ai Bohe proposed in his book "One Person/Multiple Careers",The meaning of the word can be simply explained as "a person with multiple professional identities"。

In the context of the economic downturn,Not only the industry tries its best to meet the challenges,Young people also hope that their career plans can withstand environmental tests,So when "Slash Youth" appears,Many young people are determined to use this as their new life benchmark,I look forward to a few more days in the society in the future (/),Prove that you are a talent with multiple values,Won't be the one eliminated。

however,Because of this intention,Many people have forgotten that "professionals take a long time to develop",result,Many students are busy working part-time in the four years of university,May have accumulated 10 identities for myself,I think this can increase the number of slashes on the resume,Make your experience look more beautiful,And earn a little tuition by the way、living expenses,Feel great、Very independent。

But... after finishing a part-time job,If you ask him "What have you learned?",10About 6-7 people can say:"I learned how to get along with people,My communication skills have improved a lot during these hours! Also made more friends,Managed a little network! "

What? Come on! Then... what about his professional ability? What about his enthusiasm?
in fact,He may still be confused about the future,Just "find yourself" through a part-time job!

How does recruiting talent encounter "slashes"?

If every part-time job ended up learning the most is "communication skills、Business network",So the slash youth is really a big misunderstanding! It’s not that “communication skills、"Operating contacts" is not important,When recruiting talents,He should study hard、In the years of improving professional ability,Did his second most important thing,Or,It's not too late to worry about those things in the future!

Just like the explanation of the meaning of "Slash Youth" above,It means "a person with multiple "professional" identities",Rather than "have multiple "part-time experience" or "interest expertise"",This "professional",At least if it is “above” the basic knowledge in the field,And some people are willing to pay the bill to appreciate,There are even experts in the field who admit that you are really professional!

and so,"Many part-time jobs ≠ slash youth"。More part-time jobs,Often just anxious to satisfy the vanity of their inner ambition,I may not find the wrong point,I may not be able to stand the temptation of money even more。in the end,Just add a few surface abilities,There is not much increase in cognitive depth professionally。

Recruiting talents-more part-time jobs are not necessarily slashes

So when recruiting talents,What should we look at when we pick new people?

Freshman who just graduated from society,The most important thing is to see him "how to manage time? How to use time?" There are many things he can do in four years of university.,It is important to study hard to improve professional ability and grades,But it’s not that students should be nerds。Exclusion record,You can also see what valuable things fresh people have done on campus。E.g,As a class、Association or club cadres,What substantive contributions have you made? Does this affect his profession? Or does it add points to his profession?

In addition,Part-time job does not necessarily mean that he is a lost personAlthough the part-time job mentioned above does not mean that a person is very capable,But if he’s not the kind of "wrong point person" mentioned above,Part-time experience has actual value contribution,Can be helpful to the professional goals he is pursuing,There is a balance point to catch the timing,Even someone in the field endorsed him,Then,Such a part-time job will not be denied,You can also add points to the professional field he yearns for。

When the supervisor is interviewing fresh people and recruiting talents,To understand from the other party’s words:

1、How can he be the master of his time?
2、 How he is doing schoolwork、Activity、part time、Strike a balance between family and basic life?
3、 Does he have a certain degree of (or deeper) knowledge and observation in this professional field?
4、 Will he be "still looking for himself",The confused young man who just wants to help himself more quickly?
5、 What is his vision for his future? Are all his past efforts moving in the right direction?

these questions,They are good reference indicators for supervisors when selecting fresh people。

Slashes,Does not mean that he is really a talent,That may just be a sign of "finding yourself" for newcomers。
Understand time allocation,Be your own good housekeeper,It is the manufacturable material that the enterprise is looking forward to!

Reference source:

【Manager】What knowledge is worth learning? master 3 Key,Focus on "critical knowledge"
【Medium】Sell ​​out,You are not a slash youth-interstellar nonsense line across the universe
