How to achieve management by objectives at one time? 5 ways,Start with "letting go"

How to achieve management by objectives at one time? 5 ways,Start with "letting go"

Target management

Management by objectives is important,sometimes,Too many ideas or goals going on at the same time,Can make people overwhelmed,when this happens,How to do?

management by objectives,But pursuing multiple goals at the same time is difficult,E.g:Set new goals for yourself in the new year,Ask yourself to get up early every day、writing、Exercise and read a lot。Every single thing in this is good for us,So we're usually excited to start executing,As a result, after day by day, I found that,Why are you getting more and more unmotivated? Then gradually began to suffer from "procrastination",to the end,There's a good chance that we haven't even implemented half an idea.。

Target management
How to manage time to achieve their goals?
5method,Start with "letting go"

When you are overwhelmed with too many ideas or goals at the same time,Try the following 5 methods:

management by objectives、Set "mini deadlines" for your goals

British historian and political scientist Cyril Northcote Parkinson 1957 "Parkinson's Law",This law is also known as "the law of sesame and mung bean",Intention "to spend a lot of time discussing trivial matters,The phenomenon of fast settlement of really important resolutions。"When we spend too much time on the same task,The more likely we are to be affected by Parkinson's Law。

for example,If we were given a one-week deadline to complete what would have been 3 hour task,We will unknowingly increase the complexity of this task,and procrastinated throughout the week。The best way to combat this phenomenon,就是為自己設定「迷你期限」強迫自己在更短的時間範圍內完成任務

Mini period from the beginning of the target face


management by objectives、Use the 80/20 rule

In layman's terms,80The /20 rule says what we pay 20 %,will contribute the rest to our mission results 80 %。for example,People who want to lose weight must go to the gym,Some sports, such as high-intensity sprinting, only cost 20 % reach your weight loss goals faster,compared to other 80 % time sports,more effective。

Make good use of the 80/20 principle to achieve management objectives

choose 20 % method can save a lot of time,But the point is,we must concentrate on this 20 % on the matter,to get the most out of it。in this way,We can do less in less time,but get more。

management by objectives、trust your intuition

thoughts about yourself,We often hesitate before taking action,This is because we are afraid of failure、fear of being rejected or opposed,Also because of "self-doubt"。We always spend a lot of time researching and planning before we act,But when it's time to let the boat go,we just stay there,Didn't set sail as planned。

World-renowned journalist and author - Malkan. Timothy. Malcolm Timothy Gladwell in his book "Decision" 2 Seconds >> (Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking) points out,Fastest judgement usually made in seconds,Better results than spending more time thinking carefully and planning thoroughly。

Management by objectives is not simple,Trust your instincts
Management by objectives is not simple,Trust your instincts

next time,When not sure what to do or how to do next,試著先相信自己的直覺判斷按照自己心裡的想法跟感覺跨出第一步因為一旦採取行動很有可能就會走上正軌

Goal management practices four、養成「完成」的習慣

很多人善於掌握「開始」的時機但很少人建立「完成」的習慣「開始」比「完成」容易多了但我們所尋求的多數結果,Aren't they all waiting for us at the "finish line"?

Like the process of forming all "habits",Build the habit of "done",The first step is to start small,and slowly accumulate,and "reasonably" expect how long it will take to develop the habit,Instead of expecting yourself to form a habit in a very short or too long (unreasonable) time。

Try to develop the habit
Try to develop the habit


Goal management practices five、練習「放下」



